Friday, November 27, 2015

Week Nine: Space Opera/ Star Wars

Why do people love Star Wars? This week in class we discussed star wars and how much of an impact it’s had in the sci-fi world.  So why do people love star wars so much? Okay if we think about it star wars is a total of 6 movies, there isn’t that many 6 movie series out there, that have been successful. Second people have always loved the idea of planets and universes outside of earth and this movie series definitely makes you believe that and experience that in different ways.
I think star wars works so well because its this epic story that we get to experience; love, betrayal, growing up, questioning the differences between right and wrong, how much power is necessary to be a great hero, aliens, epic battles, epic fights and much much more. Especially with seeing characters growing up in this series it adds so much more because you get to see how this character changes and makes his/her decisions over the course of 6 movies. These movies also show a lot of heroes dying and falling to the dark side which in normal hero journey movies doesn’t really happen. Usually the hero is always good until the end. We see this a lot with Anakin skywalker, This hero that had such great potential to be the greatest jedi, ends up becoming one of the greatest super villians of all time. For the audience to see something like that happen to a character really effects you emotionally because the character becomes more relatable, all of a sudden there not just this typical perfect hero.
Besides Anakin’s transformation, we get to watch Luke Skywalker grow up into a mature and powerful jedi. This part of the series is very interesting because when Luke Skywalker has to fight Darth Vader (Father Anakin) , it’s very conflicting watching a father and son fight for two separate sides. Finally I think people love star wars so much because you feel like you’re experiencing a different universe or planet because of the sets and costume design and special effects. Ever since most people were little kids they dreamed of going to space and star wars does that

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